Our story begins in the early 2000s, when Java enterprise development was dominated by Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB).

Developers was struggling with EJB complex code. Their applications were difficult to test, hard to maintain, and took forever to build.

The Seed Is Planted (2002-2004)

"There must be a better way," Rod Johnson thought as he worked late into the night. In 2002, he included a lightweight alternative in his book "Expert One-on-One J2EE Design and Development."

The Seed Is Planted

This alternative offered a radical concept: dependency injection, where objects received their dependencies rather than creating them.

By March 2004, what started as sample code had blossomed into Spring Framework 1.0. It featured:

  • A core IoC (Inversion of Control) container
  • Basic JDBC abstraction layer
  • MVC web framework
  • Simple AOP (Aspect-Oriented Programming) capabilities

Developers who discovered Spring found themselves writing cleaner code and finishing projects faster. Word began to spread.

Growing Branches (2005-2008)

By October 2006, Spring 2.0 emerged with significant enhancements

During this period, the first companion projects appeared, and a crucial one was born out of necessity:

  • XML namespaces for simplified configuration
  • AspectJ integration for more powerful AOP
  • Expanded web frameworks support
  • JPA integration

The Birth of Spring Security

In 2003, as Spring itself was still taking shape, a developer named Ben Alex faced a common challenge: how to secure enterprise applications effectively?

Ben created Acegi Security System for Spring as an open-source project to address security issues. The initial release in 2004 provided authentication and authorization capabilities specifically designed for Spring applications.

The Birth of Spring Security

In 2006, recognizing its importance to the ecosystem, the Spring team officially adopted Acegi Security as a Spring Portfolio project. Two years later, in 2008, Acegi was officially renamed "Spring Security 2.0," bringing it fully into the Spring family and beginning efforts to simplify its configuration.

Spring Security quickly became the standard way to implement authentication and authorization in Spring applications. Its integration with the Spring container made it possible to secure any object managed by Spring, not just web resources.

Reaching Maturity (2009-2013)

December 2009 saw the release of Spring 3.0, which embraced the modern Java ecosystem:

Spring 3.0

By this time, Spring had become a serious contender in enterprise development. Many organizations were shifting away from traditional Java EE, drawn by Spring's flexibility and productive development model.

The Revolution (2014-2016)

April 2014 marked the most transformative moment in Spring's history: the release of Spring Boot 1.0.

This project reimagined how Spring applications should be built:

  • Auto-configuration that "just worked"
  • Embedded servers eliminating deployment complexity
  • Production-ready features like health checks and metrics

Spring Cloud appeared , offering tools for building distributed systems:

  • Service discovery
  • Circuit breakers
  • Distributed configuration
  • API gateway functionality

These projects arrived just as microservices architecture was gaining popularity, perfectly positioning Spring for modern cloud applications.

Reactive Spring (2017-2019)

September 2017 brought Spring Framework 5.0, with a fundamental shift in programming model

Evolution of Spring Framework
  • Reactive programming support through Spring WebFlux
  • Functional style web endpoints
  • Kotlin language support
  • JDK 8 baseline and Java 9 compatibility

Spring Boot 2.0 followed in 2018, built on Spring 5 and enhancing:

  • Actuator endpoints
  • Security defaults
  • Metrics collection through Micrometer

The ecosystem expanded with specialized projects:

  • Spring Cloud Stream for messaging
  • Spring Cloud Data Flow for composable data pipelines
  • Spring Cloud Gateway for API routing

Cloud-Native Spring (2020-Present)

As the cloud became the default deployment environment, Spring evolved to meet new challenges

Spring Framework's Evolution
  • Spring Native for GraalVM (2020)
  • Spring Boot 2.4 with improved configuration handling (2020)
  • Spring Authorization Server (2021)
  • Spring Framework 6.0 with Java 17 baseline (2022)
  • Spring Boot 3.0 with native image support (2022)
  • Spring Security 6.0 with simplified configuration (2022)
  • Spring Framework 6.2 with enhanced virtual thread support (2024)

Today, the Spring ecosystem encompasses dozens of projects covering virtually every aspect of application development.


What began as one developer's frustration with complexity has evolved into a thriving ecosystem that continues to adapt to the changing landscape of enterprise development.

The story of Spring is far from over. As new challenges emerge in distributed systems, AI integration, and beyond, Spring continues to evolve, always guided by its founding principles of simplicity, testability, and developer productivity.

Want to learn more?

👉 Read Next: What Is Persistence Contexts In JPA?

👉 Read Next: What are Beans in Spring?

👉 Read Next: What Is Bean Lifecycle In Spring